Custom Products from Your Data

Wyldata turns your sports data into customized tools and apps. These products make data easy to understand and use, helping to tell the stories behind every event, athlete, and moment.

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Key Benefits

Made For You
Wyldata creates data tools and products that are specially made to fit each client's needs and goals.
Full Service
We help from start to finish - coming up with ideas, building the product, testing it, and making it better.
Innovative Fan Engagement
Our data products help clients reach and engage their audience, making fans feel a part of the action.
Endless Possibilities
Whether it's apps for judges, fan games, or info systems for commentators - if the data is there, we can build it.

Example Products

Athlete Comparison

Tools to compare athletes' career stats

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Engagement Gamification

Apps and that drive engagement during events

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Result Predictions

Data driven predictions for current events

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Service Description

Turning Data into Engagement Tools

At Wyldata, we specialize in transforming raw data into personalized tools with our Custom Data Products service. We understand that every client has unique needs and goals. That's where our expertise comes in. We craft tools that are not only efficient but are also customized to reflect each client’s specific objectives. Every product is a blend of technology and personal touch, ensuring functionality and relevance.

Our approach is comprehensive, offering an All-In-One Service. We don’t just build and hand over the product; we walk with our clients from the ideation phase through to development, testing, and refinement. Each stage is collaborative, with client feedback steering the process. The goal is to ensure that the final product aligns with the client’s expectations and objectives, delivering optimal performance.

In the world of action sports, engaging the audience is key. Our custom data products are designed to Engage Your Audience effectively. Each tool, whether it’s an app or an information system, is crafted to captivate and involve fans. We aim to transform passive spectators into active participants, amplifying the excitement and engagement during every event, ensuring fans are always part of the action.

We pride ourselves on offering a Diverse Range of Offerings. Our portfolio includes everything from judge evaluation tools and athlete comparison apps to commentator information systems. Each product is tailored, tested, and refined to ensure it adds value, enhancing the experience for federations, athletes, and fans alike. With Wyldata, clients are equipped with tools that are not just data-rich but are also interactive and engaging.

Case Study

World Skate Infinity Platform

Find out how Wyldata assisted in building World Skate's federation management tool

Unleash the Power of
Your Data with Wyldata

Get in touch to discover data opportunities in your organization through expert data management and analytics.

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